Progress of the past... 3 days? The house walls dried sufficiently and I primed the inside sides... that took a good 2 days. The house is so small to sit in and yet seems to possess INFINITE surface area. I have definitely hit that "oh god what have I done" point.
I also built shutters for the bay windows and a panel to fit in the large arched window to block it out. It's removable, as I don't want to lose air possibilities from that window entirely, but there needs to be ONE wall without any funny business. Or less, anyway. Built a hinged panel for the front window too. Admittedly not the most elegant solution, but adds to the "fort" aesthetic. I'm realizing how much lighting this is going to need during the day now that I've closed all the windows, but as soon as they are open it kind of breaks the spell of the inside paint concept...
Put the house marginally back together, which is going to make painting the inside much less comfortable, but I don't think I can do it holistically without all the edges together. Now there's a tiny house in my basement. It looks rather fantastic.
Spackled a few of the more obnoxious screw and nail holes... now it's a big white expanse of scary... taking a moment to appreciate the work done before panicking about how much is left and going back to the "WHYYYYYY" mindset :P
Spackled a few of the more obnoxious screw and nail holes... now it's a big white expanse of scary... taking a moment to appreciate the work done before panicking about how much is left and going back to the "WHYYYYYY" mindset :P